Is a discharge petition ‘the only way’ to pass ENDA?

 | Washington Blade | July 16, 2013

Trevor Potter, gay news, Washington Blade

Gay McCain-Feingold co-author Trevor Potter says a discharge petition is “the only way” to pass ENDA. (Photo courtesy of Caplin & Drysdale via Wikimedia Commons).

The gay co-author of the bipartisan campaign finance reform law known as McCain-Feingold says LGBT advocates could take a lesson from the way that measure passed into law — a discharge petition in the U.S. House — to advance the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

Trevor Potter, a Republican attorney with Caplin & Drysdale who specializes in political law, told the Washington Blade on Tuesday that a discharge petition is “the only way” to get ENDA passed while Republicans remain in control of the House.

“Given the House GOP leader’s opposition to ENDA, and resulting refusal to schedule it for a floor vote, the ONLY way to get it passed in the House is by way of a discharge petition,” Potter said via email. “If the petition gets close to 218 signatures, then the leadership will negotiate.”

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