US Government Assessment of BP Oil Spill ‘Will Not Account for Damage’

Suzanne Goldenberg | Guardian UK | Reader Supported News | July 15, 2013

Efforts to put a price on damage from disaster fails to capture full extent of environmental losses in Gulf waters.

The US government cannot hope to arrive at a full accounting of the environmental destruction caused by the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico using its current methods, an expert panel has said.

A report from the National Research Council said the US government’s efforts to put a price on damage from the April 2010 disaster failed to capture the full extent of the environmental and economic losses in Gulf waters and coastal areas, fisheries, marine life, and the deep sea caused by BP’s runaway well.

Compiled by a team of 16 scientists at the request of Congress, the study went on to call for a sweeping overhaul of methods for putting a price on environmental losses – especially after an event on the scale of the BP disaster.

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