Haiti gangs beat 47 gays with machetes, sticks and cement blocks

Map of Haiti

Map of Haiti (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tris Reid-Smith | Gay Star News | July 31, 2013

Dozens of gay men were beaten by gangs with knives, machetes, cement blocks, sticks and iron bars in Haiti, GSN can reveal.

Human rights campaigners in the Caribbean nation say they know of 47 assaults in just one week (17 to 24 July), though attacks have slowed in recent days following government intervention.

Some have had their lives threatened or had their houses have been burned down or looted.

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Rally against gays in Haiti includes death threats

The Haitian National Palace (Presidential Pala...

The Haitian National Palace (Presidential Palace), located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, heavily damaged after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. Note: this was originally a two-story structure; the second story completely collapsed. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cathy Kristofferson | Oblogdeeoblogda | July 19, 2013

Thony Belizaire / AFP/Getty Images

Thony Belizaire / AFP/Getty Images

Wednesday we posted about religious groups, under the umbrella of the Haitian Coalition of Religious and Moral Organizations,  planning to march against homosexuality. Today over 1,000 people took part in that Port-au-Prince demonstration.

The protesters, urging lawmakers not to pass equal marriage legislation, marched carrying anti-gay signs while chanting songs. One song threatened to burn down the Haitian Parliament if its members make gay marriage legal.

“I believe in God, and God condemns homosexuality,” said protester Eddy Jean-Pierre, a self-described Protestant. “Haiti is not going to accept this, and God will punish us further if we allow this law to pass.”

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