Indiana clerk fired for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses sues, claiming discrimination

Same-sex wedding ceremony [KKLN-TV]



 | Raw Story | July 24, 2015

A former employee of an Indiana county clerk’s office is suing after being fired for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses because of her religious beliefs.

Linda Summers, former Harrison County clerk, filed her suit last week, accusing County Clerk Sally Whitis of wrongly firing her. Last October, Whitis sent an email to employees directing them to comply with state law and process the marriage applications regardless of religious beliefs, the Indianapolis Star reports.

Summers responded by hand-delivering a letter to Whitis, telling her that same-sex marriage is against her “sincerely-held” religious beliefs, requesting she not be required to do so. As a result, Summers was terminated for insubordination.

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Why Is This Discrimination Allowed?

PAUL SCHINDLER |  Gay City News | April 2, 2014

Sponsor a child. Help fight global poverty. The images are heart-rending. The cost of helping not great. Who isn’t moved by the opportunity to fight the tragedies that afflict youngsters in poverty-stricken and war-affected parts of the world?

Yet, when World Vision — a non-profit charitable organization with revenues of just over a billion dollars that does global relief and development work and has close ties to major evangelical denominations — announced it would hire employees who are in legal same-sex marriages, the outcry was overwhelming.

As David Badash reported on, Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, charged the group had “walked away from one of the greatest legacies in Christian ministry, trading a vision to reach the world for the world’s vision of marriage.” Franklin Graham, Billy’s son, termed the decision “offensive, as if supporting sin and sinful behavior can unite the church.”

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Kansas Takes the Sanctity of Marriage a Little Too Far

Mindy Townsend | Care2 | Truthout | February 14, 2014

The Kansas legislature isn’t busy enough making it legal to discriminate against gay people. They are going to do whatever they have to make sure marriage in Kansas remains oppressive and exclusively hetero. Their new tacticEliminate no-fault divorce.

I know what you’re thinking, but I checked the calendar and it’s not 1950.

The bill was introduced by Rep. Keith Esau, a Republican (of course). People, apparently, can’t be trusted to do what’s best for their situation. If their marriage is having trouble, they need to work on it.

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Kansas GOP Leaders Get Cold Feet Over ‘Anti-Gay’ Bill

Ed Pilkington | Guardian UK | Reader Supported News | February 15, 2014

Bill approved by Kansas house would give religious individuals and groups the right to deny services to same-sex couples

epublican leaders in the Kansas state senate are balking at a new bill that would allow religious individuals and groups to openly shun gay and lesbian couples without fear of legal retribution.

Susan Wagle, the Republican president of the Senate, has raised objections to the bill, House Bill 2453, that has already cleared the House of Representatives by a 72-49 majority. In a statement, she said that despite strong support among the 32 Republican state senators for traditional marriage, “I’ve grown concerned about the practical impact of the bill… My members also don’t condone discrimination. If we cannot find ample common ground to ease legitimate concerns, I believe a majority of my caucus will not support the bill.”

HB 2453 is one of the most extreme measures to be proposed in the mainly southern states that are putting up dogged resistance to the spread of same-sex marriage rights across the US. Kansas already bans gay marriage in the state, following a 2005 referendum backed by 70% of those who voted.

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