Challenging gay immigration entry bans in Belize and Trinidad and Tobago

Cathy Kristofferson | Oblogdeeoblogda | July 15, 2013

mauriceMaurice Tomlinson, the Jamaican attorney and HIV activist who recently sued three Jamaican TV channels for refusing to broadcast gay positive public service announcements, will be in court again Wednesday. This time for the first hearing of his challenge to the immigration entry bans of both Belize and the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago. The case has been brought in the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) which is the highest court in the region.

Flag-Pins-Belize-Trinidad-and-TobagoThe two countries are the only ones in the Caribbean, in fact the sole countries in the Western Hemisphere, with laws banning entry of homosexuals.

Section 5(1) of the Immigration Act of Belize reads:

“… [T]he following persons are prohibited immigrants – … (e) any prostitute or homosexual or any person who may be living on or receiving or may have been living on or receiving the proceeds of prostitution or homosexual behaviour….”

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