Jesus Lady Has Faith She’ll Triumph Thursday

Warren Rojas | Roll Call | September 21, 2015

It would take an act of God to keep spiritual activist Rita Warren away from her time-honored spot on the East Front during the upcoming papal visit, the Capitol Hill fixture assures HOH.

(Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

Warren, who has come to be known as the “Jesus Lady” following a decades-long crusade that brings her to Congress each week with a life-sized statue of Christ in tow, typically camps out every Thursday just a stone’s throw from the House chamber.

Security is expected to be extremely tight this week as Pope Francis descends on D.C. for a high profile speech to Congress scheduled to be simulcast on a giant screen facing the West Front. The ensuing lockdown means most of the congressional campus will be off-limits to civilians without event-specific credentials.

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Torture and the Harvard Man

Central Intelligence Agency Seal

Central Intelligence Agency Seal (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Glenn L. Carle | The Harvard Crimson | Reader Supported News | November 22, 2013

he United States Senate recently produced a massive report assessing the merits of “enhanced interrogation” – America’s euphemism for torture – which sits classified and unpublished in a Capitol Hill vault.

The Obama Administration opposes declassification, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know what it says. Indications are that the report confirms what I learned in 23 years of working in the CIA and revealed in my book, “The Interrogator”: Torture does not work and provides virtually no useful intelligence.

I was involved in the enhanced interrogation program and served as a senior officer responsible for terrorist reporting. The foundation of my understanding, however, came not from my government training but from the lecture halls of Harvard.

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About 40,000 Americans Are Said to Have Signed Up for Plans on

English: South façade of the White House, the ...

English: South façade of the White House, the executive mansion of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Español: Fachada sur de la Casa Blanca, la residencia oficial del Presidente de los Estados Unidos, situado en 1600 Avenida Pennsylvania en Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Amy Goldstein and Sarah Kliff | The Washington Post | Reader Supported News | November 12, 2013

Roughly 40,000 Americans have signed up for private insurance through the flawed federal online insurance marketplace since it opened six weeks ago, according to two people with access to the figures.

That amount is a tiny fraction of the total projected enrollment for the 36 states where the federal government is running the online health-care exchange, indicating the slow start to the president’s initiative. The first concrete evidence of the popularity – and accessibility – of the new federal insurance exchange emerged as the White House has been preparing to release this week the first official tally of how many people have chosen coverage using the Web site,

One administration official said Monday that the official figure will include people who have paid for a health plan and those who simply picked a plan and put it in their online shopping cart.

The administration’s only known previous projections come from internal memos, released on Capitol Hill, that predicted that about a half-million Americans would have selected insurance by the end of October. It was unclear whether that figure, cited in a letter last month by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.), included only people who enrolled in private health plans or also low-income people who joined Medicaid.

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House Passes GOP Spending Plan That Defunds Obamacare

English: President Barack Obama makes a statem...

English: President Barack Obama makes a statement in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House announcing a deal in the ongoing efforts to find a balanced approach to the debt limit and deficit reduction, July 31, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ed O’Keefe | The Washington Post | Reader Supported News | September 20, 2013

The House passed a short-term spending plan Friday morning that would continue funding government operations through mid-December but withhold funding for President Obama’s signature health-care law, firing the opening salvo in what promises to be a contentious 10 days of debate on Capitol Hill over extending government operations by only three months.

The legislation would fund federal agencies at an annualized rate of more than $986 billion but would also leave in place automatic spending cuts known as sequestration, set to take effect in January. It would include language to prohibit any funding going to implementing the health-care law and, additionally, authorize the Treasury to pay some bills and not others in the event that no deal is reached in October on increasing the country’s debt limit.

House Republican leaders declared victory Friday after the vote, and they immediately ramped up pressure on the Senate to take up the fight.

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Champion in the fight against DADT, Darren Manzella, 36, killed in car accident

Will O’Bryan | Metro Weekly | August 30, 2013

Darren Manzella, one of the most high-profile faces in the fight to end the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on out military service by gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers, died in a car accident Thursday night in Pittsford, N.Y., according to the Rochester, N.Y.-based Democrat and Chronicle.


Though a familiar face in D.C., particularly during the Capitol Hill DADT debate, Manzella, 36, has been living in Rochester, where he married his husband, Javier Lapeira-Soto, July 5.

Aubrey Sarvis, former head of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), which represented Manzella and where he worked after being discharged under DADT, released a statement following the news that Manzella had died.

“As a member of the world’s bravest group of men and women, Army Staff Sergeant Darren Manzella stood out as a shining beacon of selfless courage,” Sarvis said in his Aug. 30 statement. “He was one of the most unassuming and remarkable soldiers I have ever known. It was my honor to serve with and help represent this extraordinary young man.

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Jason Jacobs, Seattle Gay Man, Beaten In Alleged Hate Crime: Report

Seattle Police Department

Seattle Police Department (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Huffington Post | August 6, 2013

The Seattle Police Department is reportedly investigating the Aug. 5 beating of a local gay man as a hate crime.

Jason Jacobs told KOMO News he was walking through Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood shortly after midnight on Monday when he was approached by three men and two women who began taunting him with anti-gay epithets.

The altercation apparently occurred, Jacobs told KIRO News, after the group noticed his pink shirt and shoes. The group is then said to have chased Jacobs, 37, down the street before attacking him, leaving him with a broken nose and cuts to his face and knees, according to the report.

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TWO Laughs At The Cancellation of ‘Ex-Gay Pride Month’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEChris Doyle 300x254 TWO Laughs At The Cancellation of ‘Ex Gay Pride Month’

Event’s Sponsor Makes Unsubstantiated Charge That ‘Security Threats’ Are Responsible For Event’s Termination

Truth Wins Out laughed today at the cancellation of “Ex-Gay Pride Month 2013” by the newly formed group, Voice of the Voiceless (VOV), which announced it was putting the kybosh on a fancy gala it had planned with the Family Research Council on July 31st. The event had sought to portray “ex-gays” as victims and had invited Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, and other members of Congress to attend the benefit.

“There was never going to be an actual ‘Ex-gay Pride Month’ because ex-gays are as rare as the Dodo bird,” said Truth Wins Out’s Executive Director Wayne Besen. “They simply could not find real ‘ex-gays’ to participate and had to cancel to save face. This was nothing but a desperate publicity stunt intended to revive a failing industry that has repeatedly embarrassed anti-gay organizations.”

In survivor small 300x231 TWO Laughs At The Cancellation of ‘Ex Gay Pride Month’response to VOV, Truth Wins Out had declared July “Ex-Gay Survivor Pride Month,” to highlight those who had overcome harmful programs that aimed to change their sexual orientation. TWO had lined up several speakers for a press conference in Washington, DC on the 31st. The organization will discuss whether it still plans to hold its event, considering the gala it was protesting never got off the ground.

VOV’s Christopher Doyle offered unsubstantiated charges of “anti-ex-gay extremism” as his reason for terminating the much-ballyhooed event. According to Doyle:

“Due to some anti-ex-gay extremism that has occurred since we first announced Ex-Gay Pride 2013, the July 31 Lobbying Day on Capitol Hill and Evening Dinner/Reception at the Family Research Council has had to be moved and postponed to an undisclosed location in September. The harassment has caused several security threats which has forced us to change plans, and that is unfortunate.

“We challenge Doyle to come forward and release the names of LGBT activists and organizations that have allegedly jeopardized his organization’s security,” said TWO’s Besen. “Until concrete allegations are made, we can only assume Dole is making an excuse for his organization’s abject failure to produce a viable Ex-Gay Pride Month event. ”

Doyle is downgrading his effort and rebranding it “Ex-Gay Awareness Month.” This way, he can pretend there are legions of so-called ex-gays in press releases, without actually proving they truly exist. According to Doyle:

“…We believe it is necessary not only to hold events in July for Ex-Gay Pride, but also to declare September as the First Annual Ex-Gay Awareness Month. Ex-Gay Awareness Month in September will be a time to reflect on the discrimination and marginalization that former homosexuals and ex-gays experience in the public at large. It will also provide some much needed exposure to students in secondary schools and colleges across the country to learn about the plights, challenges, and tribulations facing ex-gays in our culture.”

The VOV event was intended to revive the failing “ex-gay” industry and distract people from the disastrous year 2013 has been for such programs. This has included the closing of Exodus International and the group’s former poster boy, John Paulk, coming out.

In 1998, The Family Research Council was one of fifteen anti-gay organizations to sponsor the Truth in Love campaign, which touted “ex-gays” in full-page newspaper and television ads. Besen photographed one of the campaign’s poster boys, John Paulk, in a DC gay bar in 2000. On April 24, 2013, Paulk apologized to the LGBT community and renounced the “ex-gay” myth saying: “Today, I do not consider myself ‘ex-gay’ and I no longer support or promote the movement.”

A second FRC and Liberty Counsel poster boy from the 1998 campaign, Michael Johnston, had what anti-gay activists called a “moral fall” in 2003. Johnston moved to a Kentucky sex-addiction facility after Besen and Virginia attorney Michael Hamar discovered that the ex-gay leader was having unprotected sex in motel rooms with men he met on the Internet.

“Ex-Gay Pride month reminded me of a publicity stunt we have seen before,” remarked Besen. “Prior to being disgraced, Michael Johnston founded National Coming Out of Homosexuality Day to mock the LGBT annual event, National Coming Out Day. We see how well that worked out for them.”

The two new “ex-gay” organizations, Voice of the Voiceless and Equality and Justice for All (the lobbying arm) are front groups for the International Healing Foundation, a for-profit therapy center founded by Richard Cohen, a “sexual reorientation life coach,” who was permanently expelled from the American Counseling Association in 2003 for multiple ethics violations. He is known for his alarming fits of anger and bizarre techniques that are widely mocked on the Internet and in the media. This includes having clients sit on his lap while he caresses them, or having them smash a pillow with a tennis racket while irately screaming the name of a parent.

Prior to founding the International Healing Foundation, Cohen was a member of the Moonies, where he met his wife in a mass marriage ceremony. After leaving the Moonies, Cohen joined the Wesleyan Community Church, a cult on Vashon Island, Washington, that practiced nude therapy in church.

Because of Cohen’s shady and disreputable past he has installed his deputy, Christopher Doyle, to be the face of these organizations. However, Doyle has ethical issues of his own. In a testimony he wrote for Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) he spoke of a disturbing boyhood experience:

“I tried to have sex with the little girls that my mother watched in her daycare, and eventually, one of the girls told her parents what I was doing. The shame that was placed on me by my parents was more than I could bear. Rather than rescue me, teach me, and put me in counseling, the ‘bad boy’ was left alone to deal with all of this shame.”

Doyle has steadfastly refused to reveal the age of the little girls in question or what sexual acts he tried to perform on them. When confronted by Besen in June at the New Jersey Assembly cafeteria, Doyle responded that he hasn’t come clean because, “you would use it against me. You would try to harm me.”

“It is stunning that FRC, a group that claims to support families, would get in bed with disreputable figures such as Richard Cohen and Christopher Doyle,” said TWO’s Besen. “I think this partnership is a mark of desperation and highlights the failure of anti-gay organizations to convince Americans that it is possible to pray away the gay.”

The “ex-gay” industry appears to be a lost cause. A Newsweek poll in the summer of 1998 showed that 56% of the general public believed that homosexuals could become heterosexuals through therapy. Compare this to a March 2013 ABC News poll that showed just 24 percent of Americans see homosexuality as a choice.

Truth Wins Out is a nonprofit organization that fights anti-LGBT extremism. TWO specializes in turning information into action by organizing, advocating and fighting for LGBT equality.

The State of Dissent in America: Flex Your Rights

Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers  | Truthout | July 3, 2013

When we occupied Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, during the Autumn of 2011, we often marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to Capitol Hill to express our many grievances. We were always accompanied by a large contingent of police officers and other members of the national security state, some obvious and others not so much. Along the way, we would pass the Newseum, which has the First Amendment engraved in large letters on the front of the building. We made it a habit to pause at the Newseum and read aloud in unison the words of the First Amendment. The reason for doing so was to let everyone know, including the security state, that we have the right to protest peacefully and that we were exercising that right.

We live in a time when there is much to protest. The government is dysfunctional, ruled by plutocrats who pass laws for their corporate friends that cause real harm and suffering for the people and ecological collapse of the planet. Many activists with whom we work recognize that the traditional tools used to effect change within the system – petitions, lobbying, electing supportive legislators or running for office – largely fail in the current political environment.

Our most effective option is strategic and militant, nonviolent protest in all of its many forms, from boycotts to rallies to hunger strikes. And it is our First Amendment right to use these tools. But rather than respecting and supporting our right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of our grievances, the national security state and legislators are chipping away at our rights in more extreme ways than ever before.

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Obama Backs Bill to Overhaul Immigration as Debate Is Set

Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

President Obama spoke at the White House on Tuesday in favor of the immigration measure. He was joined by backers of the bill.

and  | New York Times | June 11, 2013

WASHINGTON — As the Senate voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to begin debating an overhaul of the nation’s immigrations laws, President Obama offered a wholehearted endorsement of the bipartisan proposal, which presents him with a chance to reach the kind of landmark accord with Republicans that has eluded him on the budget and gun violence.

For Mr. Obama, who has picked his shots in the immigration debate to avoid stirring partisan anger on Capitol Hill, it was a moment of promise and peril. While he threw his weight behind the bill, he conceded that it would not satisfy all sides and said he anticipated a bruising fight over issues like border security and the path to citizenship.

The president, however, may have more leverage than in previous battles, not least because many Republicans believe rewriting the immigration laws is critical for the long-term viability of their party given the nation’s demographic shifts, even if doing so risks alienating parts of their base.

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