Australia: Queensland researcher David Harrich develops gene therapy which could stop HIV from turning deadly

Herald Sun | January 16, 2013


Associate Professor David Harrich, who works in the QIMR’s Molecular Virology Laboratory on HIV. PIC: Liam Kidston. Source: The Courier-Mail

A QUEENSLAND researcher has developed a gene therapy for HIV which has the potential to stop the virus from turning deadly.

Queensland Institute of Medical Research scientist David Harrich will begin animal trials this year, with experiments in humans are still five years away.

Associate Professor Harrich has manipulated an HIV protein involved in gene expression, known as Tat, and turned it into a weapon against the virus.

Using human immune system cells, known as T cells, in the laboratory, he’s shown the mutant protein prevents HIV replication.

At the same time, Prof Harrich said the modified protein, dubbed Nullbasic, did not appear to adversely affect the human cells.

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