North Carolina Methodist Church Stops Straight Marriages Until Same-Sex Marriage Becomes Legal (VIDEO)

 | Huffington Post | March 18, 2013

A United Methodist church in Winston-Salem, N.C., has vowed to stop performing weddings until same-sex marriage is made legal.

Last week, the Green Street United Methodist Church announced its decision to stop performing heterosexual marriages, the Winston-Salem Journal reports. Instead, the church’s leadership council is asking pastors to perform blessings.

The church posted a public statement on its website that read, in part:

On the matter of same-sex marriage, Green Street UMC sees injustice in the legal position of state government and the theological position of our denomination.  North Carolina prohibits same-sex marriage and all the rights and privileges marriage brings.  The Leadership Council has asked that their ministers join others who refuse to sign any State marriage licenses until this right is granted to same-sex couples.


The Rev. Kelly Carpenter told WFMY News 2 that ministers at the church will be asked to refrain from performing weddings for any couple inside the sanctuary.

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  1. Pingback: N.C church bans straight marriages until same-sex marriage is legal | Bazaar Daily U.K

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