Sexual Assault & Rape Culture Are LGBTQ Issues

Sue Kerr | Bilercio | March 21, 2013

This essay was coauthored with Ian Awesome of One Angry Queer and was first published on Huffington Post GayVoices.

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault, Rape, Victim Blaming

The conviction of two young men for raping an unconscious young woman challenges us to rethink our assumptions about youth, the legal system, and sexual assault.

We are both survivors of sexual assault. In the light of media responses to and other narratives established around the Steubenville rape scandal, we were prompted to discuss our experiences openly and honestly in order to give context to a complicated and uncomfortable topic. This is our first public discussion, a discussion that we agreed is necessary to illustrate the pervasive nature of the “culture of rape” and the need for the entire LGBTQ community to be allies to all survivors.

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