John Boehner Won’t Allow House to Vote on Bipartisan Immigration Reform Passed by Senate

| Forward Progressives | July 9, 2013

And the “do nothing” Congress strikes again!  Specifically the House of Representatives.  Invoking an unofficial rule referred to as the “Hastert Rule,” House Speaker John Boehner reiterated that the House will not vote on the bipartisan immigration bill passed by the Senate 68-32.

Claiming that the House will craft their own immigration bill, because as Boehner said, “It is time for Congress to act.  But I believe the House has its job to do, and we will do our job.”

Wouldn’t allowing a vote on a bipartisan bill which was passed by the Senate, and would be signed by the President, constitute “doing their job?”

But what’s this “Hastert Rule” you ask?  Well let me explain.  There are 435 members of the House of Representatives, 234 Republicans and 201 Democrats.  What this “rule” does is requires a majority of the majority to support a bill before a vote is allowed on the legislation.  See, as it stands now if every Democrat voted for this immigration bill, and even 40 Republicans sided with them, the bill would be passed and sent to President Obama for him to sign.

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