Despite delays, hope on gay rights issues

Official seal of City of Boca Raton

Official seal of City of Boca Raton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Marci Shatzman | Sun Sentinel | July 17, 2013

There was no groundswell to grant Boca Raton gay employees domestic partnership benefits or extend the city’s policy to cover their civil rights, despite the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June that married same-sex couples could qualify for federal benefits.

Councilwoman Constance Scott’s decision to bring those and two related matters up came at the end of the last city council meeting. “I recommend bringing all of them forward and having an opportunity to vote on them,” she said.

But after discussions, council directed staff to first ask Wellington, which has a domestic partnership policy, and the state Attorney General. That was seen as delaying tactics. But Scott and Rand Hoch, who heads the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council, are still optimistic that Boca Raton city leadership will come around.

“I am hopeful our elected officials will recognize the importance of adopting policies that will provide protection against sex discrimination and gender expression,” Scott said in an email.

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