Support AIDS Walk in San Diego

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

On Wednesday, Sept. 4, starting at 10 am, we are asking all AIDS Walk supporters to help promote this year’s AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge San Diego by changing their profile pics on Facebook and Twitter.
We’ve created special profile pics for our amazing walkers, runners, street challengers and volunteers to show the many ways people can participate in this event. These will also serve to encourage even more people to join us on Sunday, Sept. 29th as San Diego comes together to support vital HIV/AIDS services and programs.     Your participation in this fun social media campaign will help us reach people who might not know about San Diego’s incredible AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge and give us a way to personally invite them to this inspiring community event.
Here are the easy ways you can help: 
1. Choose an image that you want to post by clicking on one the following images.

Walker Runner Challenge Volunteer

2. Change your profile pic on Wednesday, Sept. 4 any time after 10 am.

3. Comment – when you change your pic add a simple comment like: “Want to walk with me?”, “I’d love to see you there!”, “Would you like to join our team?” or “I’m walking for my brother – can you join me?”

4. Like & comment again – When you notice that a friend has changed their profile pic please take a second to “Like” the post, and if you can make a supportive comment, that would be great too!

5. Ask for support – When you change your pic, you can also add a comment that includes a link to your personal fundraising page or your team’s fundraising page at It can be something simple like, “You can support my efforts to raise funds for HIV services in San Diego by making a donation. Here is a link to my personal fundraising page — thank you!”

If you haven’t had a chance to register for AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge San Diego, there is still plenty of time – go here to register today!
Even if you can’t make it this year to the event, you can certainly help with this social media campaign by taking a few minutes — beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 4 — to “Like” any AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge profile images you see pop up!  Your simple “click” will help us get the word out and ultimately help the 12,500 people living with HIV/AIDS in San Diego County.
Thank you so much for all that you do for our community. Your generous efforts inspire me every day!
Sincerely, Ian Johnson Teams Coordinator AIDS Walk, Run & Street Challenge San Diego

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