Teens suspended for wearing Confederate flags to school in anti-LGBT protest

Confederate Soldiers in Parade

Confederate Soldiers in Parade (Photo credit: StevenM_61)

David Ferguson | Raw Story | October 13, 2013

Tahoma High School in Maple Valley, WA suspended two 16-year-old boys for wearing Confederate flags to school. According to Seattle’s KIRO Channel 7, school officials said the boys were wearing the secessionist flags in protest of a classmate’s choice to wear a rainbow flag in celebration of LGBT Pride month.

One of the two students — known only a “Grady” — told KOMO that he was just wearing the rebel flag to honor his southern heritage.

“It’s just a way of showing our Southern pride, nothing racist at all,” the teenager insisted. “If he can wear his flag in support of what he believes, we figured we could do that as well.”

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