Is Uganda’s Kill the Gays Bill Going to be THIS year’s XMAS gift?

English: Uganda's Coat of arms

English: Uganda’s Coat of arms (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Oblogdeeoblogda | November 13, 2013

Last year around this time Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga promised the Anti-Homosexuality Bill as a Xmas gift to Uganda. But it never happened. The controversial Bil, otherwise known a ” kill the Gays Bill”, continued its dirty dance on the Order Papers, Uganda’s Parliamentary agenda for some months and then seemed to gently swish away to nothingness. But now we may say  she’s baaaackkkkkkkkk….

This report in today’s Ugandan press

Parliament- Parliament reconvenes today (NOV 05) to a tight legislative calendar that may see the passage of the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill before Christmas and provide funds needed to fix the ‘ailing hospitals’ and guarantee food security in the country.

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