Elizabeth Warren: Don’t Cut Social Security. Expand It!

This photo is from the Time 100 Gala - read ho...

This photo is from the Time 100 Gala – read how I feel about Elizabeth Warren. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Greg Sargent | The Washington Post | Reader Supported News | November 19, 2013

f Elizabeth Warren is emerging as a kind of spokeswoman for the new economic populism that many Democratic activists want the party to embrace heading into 2014 and 2016, this speech that Warren is currently delivering on the floor of the Senate suggests the push to expand Social Security could become a key issue in the argument over the Democratic Party of the future.

In remarks Warren just began delivering, she strongly endorsed the push to boost Social Security benefits – in keeping with Senator Tom Harkin’s proposal to do the same – and condemned the “Chained CPI” that liberals fear Dems will embrace in strong terms. From the prepared remarks:

“The most recent discussion about cutting benefits has focused on something called the Chained-CPI. Supporters of the chained CPI say that it’s a more accurate way of measuring cost of living increases for seniors. That statement is simply not true. Chained CPI falls short of the actual increases in costs that seniors face, pure and simple.  Chained CPI?  It’s just a fancy way of saying cut benefits.

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