NSA deputy director John Inglis suggests turf war with FBI, other agencies over data trove

National Security Agency Seal

National Security Agency Seal (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

Spencer Ackerman | The Guardian | Raw  Story | November 23, 2013

The deputy director of the National Security Agency on Friday sounded skeptical about permitting the FBI, DEA or other law enforcement agencies to directly search through the NSA’s vast data troves, as a new bill would appear to permit.

A bill recently approved by the Senate intelligence committee on a 13-4 vote blesses the ability of law enforcement agencies to directly conduct “queries of data” from NSA databases of foreign-derived communications content “for law enforcement purposes”.

John C Inglis, the top civilian at the NSA, said he was unfamiliar with the proposed legislation during a late-afternoon dialogue at the University of Pennsylvania Law School – a forum that allowed for occasionally blunt questioning of a senior NSA official.

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