US Involvement in Iraq Never Ended

Michael Z Youhana | Truthout | January 19, 2014

After decades of war, Iraq is a divided and shattered country that seems as far away from peace as ever. Neither the Iraq War nor US involvement in it has ever really ended.

It’s easier to start a war than to end one. The proof can be found in the unfolding crisis in Western Iraq.

On January 3, 2014, The New York Times reported that militants aligned with al-Qaeda had captured parts of the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi in western Iraq’s Anbar province. The collapse of the Iraqi security apparatus in these cities of note comes on the heels of a heavy-handed counterterrorism offensive in Anbar and a wave of resignations from the Iraqi Parliament in late December 2013.

These troubling developments affirm the recent assertion made by The London Review of Books’ Adam Schatz that, “The Iraq war is not over; it never really ended.”

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