7 Big Defense Companies with Transparency Problems

Robert Beckhusen | Wired | Reader Supported News | February 1, 2013

The combination of tons of cash from advanced military projects and excessive secrecy is a dangerous one – it fuels corruption and graft in defense industries around the world. This week, Transparency International released its summary of corruption in the defense world, and broke down which countries scored an “F” on the watchdog’s rankings for openness. The group has also been going after specific vendors of death and destruction that haven’t been upfront about measures to stop corruption.

To come to its conclusions, the watchdog group surveyed companies using several criteria: whether the companies have anti-corruption programs in place, whether the companies require ethics training for employees, whether firms keep an eye on graft by their suppliers and contractors, and whether the firms prohibit – or at least regulate – political contributions and influence-buying from employees, among many other questions.

Here are seven of the worst offenders

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