Civil liberties minister launches Gender Identity Act

ILGA Europe | October 30, 2014

Reposted from Malta Today:

Government launches draft law that allows trans people to have their self determined identity respected by law

The Gender Identity Act was tonight presented in Parliament by social dialogue and civil liberties minister Helena Dalli who also launched a one-month public consultation process.

In a press conference held before the start of today’s sitting, Dalli said that the law will allow transgender people to fulfil their potential” at all levels especially in their careers.
“I know many transgender people who are very talented but are forced into living an invisible life, they have a right to a normal life like anyone else,” she said.
Dalli explained that the law will allow transgender people to change their birth certificates which will mean that all other documents, including ID Cards, passports, driving licences and academic certificates will change accordingly.

Transgenders will no longer have to go through gender reassignment surgery to change their birth certificate but requests to the Director of Public Registry can be submitted through a notarial deed including a clear and unequivocal declaration by the applicant that one’s gender identity does not correspond to the assigned sex in the act of birth.

The draft law regulates the procedure for change of legal gender for minors and adults alike and introduces “a positive obligation on government entities to ensure that their services meet the objectives of this Act.”

Moreover the act provides parents with the possibility to postpone the entry of a gender marker on their children’s birth certificate.

Downloadable Files Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act

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